Our HQ is located in the heart of American manufacturing industry in Michigan. Strategically located between Chicago and Detroit.
Phone: 616 855 1910
Our second home, Munich Germany. Through our office in Munich we support our clients with market research, outsourced sales, accounting and legal. representation.
Phone: +49 1515 607 3642
From historical Warsaw, we support our clients with warehousing, hr and employment sheltering, outsourced sales and market research for Eastern Europe.
Phone: + 48 22 832 51 50
From Istanbul, located on the cross-roads between the West and the East. We support our clients with supply chain optimization, market research, outsourced sales.
Phone: +90 533 352 5520
Bosnia has been the link between Eastern and Western Europe for centuries. In Bosnia we offer our clients market research, HR, accounting, legal services, book keeping and more.
Phone: +387 51 223 631
In the third largest economy of Europe, specifically in the office in Strasbourg where we can support clients in French as well as German Language in the area of Accounting, Due Diligence and Law.
Phone: +33 3 90 22 29 59
Located on the Adriatic with multiple shipping ports, we offer our clients outsourced sales options into the Balkans and supply chain optimization from Eastern Europe.
Phone: +385 911 77 6882
Italy has left it's mark on the world not only in it's beauty but also as the 8th largest economy in the world. Just a short drive south of Milan we offer services in M&A, Accounting, MKT research and Law
Phone: +39 0522 271220
As a member of the European Union, Romania's economy has grown faster than any other EU state. We offer market entry, warehousing, back office support not only in Romania but all of the EU.
Phone: +40 256 430 454
We strive to stay in communication with our clients. Have a question about our business, or want to see if we match your specific needs? Send us a message, we're always happy to meet new customers!
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